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  • 2022年未经核实新闻,The,Unsupported,News

    时间:2022-12-04 10:25:07 来源:东东创业网 本文已影响 东东创业网手机站




    With the development of Internet, we can get to know the world better. Whatever happens around the world, we can scan the instant news and share our opinions with other people. But the advantage of Internet is its weakness at the same time. As people can give their opinions, some people are easily to believe in the comment, especially the news that is not verified. As the result, the innocent people will be attacked by the violence of language. For example, a girl in the campus commit suicide and a lot of people believed that her roommates bullied her and the girls just to get rid of it. The roommates were scared to go out of the house for some time and people condemned them, but the police later announced that it was the pressure from family made the girl kill herself. We’d better figure out the truth before we make judgement.
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