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  • 2018年1月3935国开电大理工英语2试题及答案

    时间:2021-04-14 13:20:21 来源:东东创业网 本文已影响 东东创业网手机站


    2018年1月3935国开电大理工英语2试题及答案 一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分) 1—5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    l. ―What can 1 do for you? ―______________ A. I want a ki10 of app1es. B. You can go your own way. C. Thanks. [答案]A 2. ―Do you 1ike your present job? ―______I just do it for a 1iving. A. Of course. B. Not 1ike1y. C. Not really. [答案]C 3. ―What do you think of this nove1? ―______________ A. I've read it. B. It' s very good. C. I bought it yesterday. [答案]B 4. ―Welcome to our company. 1 hope you will enjoy your work here. ―______________ A. I am sure I wi11. B. I can 1earn a lot. C. You are very kind. [答案]A 5. ―I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. ―______They often use them to play games instead. A. I hope so. B. I don' t agree. C. No prob1em. [答案]B 二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6―20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    6. What do you have______________1unch? A. in B. for C. at [答案]B 7. It was in Xiamen ______________I saw the sea for the first time. A. where B. that C. when [答案]B 8. ―______taking a wa1k after supper? ―Good idea. A. How about B. Why not C. Cou1d we [答案]A 9. ―She didn't come to school yesterday , did she? ―______, though she was not feeling well. A. No , she didn't B. Yes , she didn't C. Yes, she did [答案]C 10. ______________she comes or not makes no difference. A. Whether B. That C. What [答案]A 11. The result is______________we won the game. A. what B. that C. which [答案]B 12. ______________horrible the plan is! A. How B. How a C. What a [答案]A 13. He______________very busy this week. He______________free next week. A. will be; is B. will be; will be C. is; will be [答案]C 14.―Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist? ―Yes, 1 have______________there many times. It is quite beautiful. A.gone B. been C. went [答案]B 15. He was unable to______________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint. A. move B. convince C. change [答案]B 16. We now______________him by writing letters. A. keep away from B. keep on C. keep in touch with [答案]C 17. Ford Motor Company was______________in 1903. It is one of the greatest car companies in the world today. A. finded B. found C. founded [答案]C 18. Would you like to help me______________some RMB for dollars? A. exchange B. manufacture C. store [答案]A 19. Every child is unique. Don't______________him or her to others. A. compare B. look C. analyze [答案]A 20. He soon______________himself to the army life. A. led B. made C. adjusted [答案]C 三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题4分) 21―25题:阅读对话,用所给单句完成对话,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    A. Don' t be discouraged. B. It' s expensive , isn't it? C. What's wrong , honey? D. Let me have a try. E. But I don't have much time to attend the classes. David: Oh , my God. I can't take it anymore. Barbara: ____21_____Take it easy.[答案]C David: I am tired of doing that boring work. I just repeat doing the same thing every day. Barbara: Cheer up! You a1ways do an excellent job. Your di1igence and intelligence are a1ways high1y praised. David: Yes , that' s in the past. I was full of ambitions before , but now I have no passion for my career. It' s so terrib1e. Barbara: ____22_____Maybe you can register for some courses. It can broaden your know1edge and provide chances for you to pick up more professional skills. [答案]A David: 1 t sounds great.____23_____[答案]E Barbara: There are 10ts of professiona1 training courses on1ine. Check it on the Internet. You' 11 find one suitab1e for you. David: ____24_____ [答案]B Barbara: Yes , it is more expensive than attending traditiona1 classes. But it' s worth it. I be1ieve it can get you into a good mood and also he1p you 1earn something usefu1 for the future. David: OK , ____25_____[答案]D 26―30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题纸上。

    Kindles, Nooks and other e-readers are threatening the future of printed books. But reading itself may get a boost from the devices. For examp1e , a study found that the kids felt better about reading after a course in which they used Amazon Kindles. The research is in the International journal of Applied Science and Technology. For two months , 199 midd1e-school students in a reading improvement class in Texas had 15 to 25 minutes every day when they were free to read on the Kindle. In general , the students felt the device improved their reading ability. And they tended to enjoy using an e-reader. However, some low-leve1 readers may fee1 somewhat embarrassed when they are seen with a simple book. Because they can never use fake book covers as in the past to keep their peers in the dark. 26. Amazon Kindles is a kind of e-books.[答案]T 27. The research done in the International journal of Applied Science and Technology has lasted for two years. [答案]F 28. The students felt e-books could not improve their reading ability.[答案]F 29. Many students tended to enjoy using an e-reader.[答案]T 30. Some low-level readers used to use fake book-covers to keep their peers in the dark.[答案]T 四、翻译(共计20分,每小题4分) 31―35:选择正确的译文,井将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    31. Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet? A. 老板要求的报告你写完了吗? B. 你拿走老板的报告了吗? C. 你有没有把报告复印一份给老板? [答案]C 32. Be active when it comes to workplace safety. Don' t wait for hers to pick up the ball. A. 在工作安全方面要主动积极。别等别人来解决问题。

    B. 在工作安全方面要主动积极。别等别人来捡郎。

    C. 在工作安全方面要主动积极。别等别人来打电话。

    [答案]A 33. Do you feel any discomfort after long time of sedentary work? A. 你长时间坐着工作会感到不适吗? B. 你长时间不工作会感到不适吗? C. 你长时间站着工作会感到不适吗? [答案]A 34. EV fans are used to these sorts of blue-sky ideas by now. A. 那些电动车迷们到目前为止已经习惯了这些美好的想法。

    B. 那些电动车迷们到目前为止已经习惯了各种各样大胆的想法。

    C. 那些电动车连们经常会有很多幼稚的想法。

    [答案]B 35. It is going to be difficult to meet the deadline. A. 很难把截止日期定下来。

    B. 很难在截止日期前完成。

    C. 很难到达截止日期。


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